Shin splints is a common term for pain or inflammation occurring in the front and/or inside section of the tibia (shin bone).
Risk factors for shin splints include running and over-training on hills, poor biomechanics of the feet and legs and unsupportive footwear. Excessive pronation (rolling in) will lead to fatigue of the muscle and reduce shock absorption.
Aches and pains felt along the shinbone
The area is tender and sore to touch
The overlying skin may be red and inflamed
The pain may be felt before, during or after running
Rest & ice
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets
Foot orthoses to prevent excessive pronation and stress on the muscles.
Shockwave to enhance the healing process
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For further information on this condition or any other foot problem, please contact our friendly staff of Podiatrists at Peel Podiatry Clinic